a bit of random goodness for you.
1. i love listening to amy seeley. plus she has awesome hair. i need a hair cut. pronto.
2. i am trying to get more photos of anika and i. and anika and h-kun. and the three of us.i think we only have one photo of the three of us. from the hospital. embarassing.
3. we recently bought some used old school ikea furniture. i want to recover the cushions. patchwork style. leslie. not me. another leslie. she is the queen of refinishing furniture. she just finished her patchwork chair. and it's amazing. and gets me excited.
4. we are moving tomorrow. exciting and exhausting at the same time. luckily we have lots of great help.
5. i love chinooks. and living beside the rocky mountains.
6. i start back to work next week. luckily i work from home and have a flexible schedule. and love what i do. ali edwards is a wise lady. and recently shared this great quote: tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? i need to remember this when making decisions. and finding the balance that will work for me. and my family. my gosh. we are a family now. the three of us.
7. i hate it when i spill pumped breast milk (aka liquid gold) on the counter.